Christy Puetz
Tracking Monsters and Squirrels: Myth Inspired Sculptures by Christy Puetz
Phoenix resident Christy Puetz creates intricately- beaded creatures with fantastic environments and compelling stories. She uses a free-form, non-traditional peyote beading stitch along with other beading techniques to cover her creatures in a rich tapestry of beads. Puetz brings her artist studio in the gallery to bead, chat and create artwork during her artist residency, July 9 […]
Jul 9 - Aug 27, 2012
Phoenix resident Christy Puetz creates intricately- beaded creatures with fantastic environments and compelling stories. She uses a free-form, non-traditional peyote beading stitch along with other beading techniques to cover her creatures in a rich tapestry of beads.
Puetz brings her artist studio in the gallery to bead, chat and create artwork during her artist residency, July 9 – August 27.
Christy has a BFA in Fiber Arts and Printmaking from the University of North Dakota. She is the creative program director for Beads of Courage, an arts program for children with serious illness. She also teaches youth art classes at Scottsdale Artist School and other community locations.
Christy will give two free beading workshops in the gallery, July 24th from 4:15-5:15 and August 6th from 10-11.