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Choi+Shine Architects


ARIZONA!, was inspired by the wind and waters of the Grand Canyon State. With its arid climate, Arizona is inherently known for a scarcity of water. The canal system is a prominent part of Arizona’s history, highlighting the integral ties between water and human life.

ARIZONA! is a hand-crocheted lace ribbon measuring 8 feet wide and more than 600 feet long. It will elegantly meander over and around the Arizona Canal throughout Canal Convergence and remain installed until March 2019. During the spring 2018 Canal Convergence event, Choi+Shine Architects visited the Scottsdale Waterfront to explain their project and engage the public in participating. A number of hand-crocheted designs were dispersed to more than 100 experienced crochet volunteers in Arizona and beyond. These volunteers worked together through meet-ups in person and online, closely following the design and patterns created by Choi+Shine.

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