PRISMATICA opens on Scottsdale Waterfront this month. (photo by James Brittain Photography)
The interactive artwork, PRISMATICA will be dispersed throughout the Scottsdale Waterfront as an added visual during Scottsdazzle events Nov. 24 – Jan. 7, 2018.
According to a press release, the partnership of Scottsdale Public Art and the city of Scottsdale will illuminate the holiday celebration with PRISMATICA’s series of 25 kinetic, glowing prism sculptures playing bell music when rotated.
Each prism is more than six-feet tall, donning panels covered with a dichroic film reflecting all the colors of the rainbow throughout the day and at night, the release described.
Members of the public who gather for Scottsdale’s featured holiday events will be invited to walk among a gallery of kaleidoscopic prisms and spin them to create a performance of sound, color and light, detailed the release.
PRISMATICA, created by Toronto-based architecture and design firm RAW design, was first exhibited at LUMINOTHÉRAPIE, Montreal, Canada. The installation is owned by Quartier des spectacles Partnership, with current and future installations of PRISMATICA managed by CREOS, the release said.
The mission of Scottsdale Public Art is to make Scottsdale one of the most desirable communities in the country to live, work and visit by incorporating art and design projects throughout, since 1985, the release noted. Scottsdale’s program and projects have won local, regional and national awards.
Through its partnership with the city of Scottsdale, the nonprofit Scottsdale Arts, formerly known as Scottsdale Cultural Council, creates diverse, inspired arts experiences and educational opportunities for active, lifelong community engagement with the arts since its founding in 1987.
The release added that Scottsdale Arts has grown in to a regionally and nationally significant, multi-disciplinary arts organization offering a variety of programs through Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts, Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art and Scottsdale Public Art.
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Article by Scottsdale Independent