Sonoran Seed Pods
Jeff Zischke
Scottsdale artist Jeff Zischke created a
series of sculptures based on the shapes
of seeds and seed pods of the Sonoran
Desert trees, shrubs, and wildflowers. The
individual sculptures are placed along the
3/4-mile hiking trail at the George ‘Doc’
Cavaliere Park in Northern Scottsdale.
Experience a 3D model of one of the
Sonoran Seed Pods in your own home and
step through a portal that will magically
transport you to the Frank Crerie hiking
trail, in 360 degrees, with augmented reality.

Step-by-Step Instructions
- Download and print the Sonoran Seed Pods anchor symbol here.
- Access your mobile device’s app store, download the Hoverlay app, and
follow instructions to install the Hoverlay camera browser app on your mobile
device. Please note: the app requires an augmented reality-capable device
running iOS 13 or later or Android 7.0 or later. - With your mobile device, scan the QR code on this page to open the Hoverlay app and wait for the content to load to 100%.
- Set your anchor symbol (the image you printed or the image above)
on a flat surface. Place your phone over the anchor symbol so that you
see it on the screen. - Angle your phone into a vertical position to view the AR experience. You can resize and rotate the sculpture by pinching your fingers on the screen. In addition, you can step into a portal to get transported to the George ‘Doc’ Cavaliere Park. Please be aware of your surroundings and enjoy!
QR Code