Doug Wiegel
Hopi Deity
Hopi Deity was donated to the City of Scottsdale by the artist, Doug Weigel. His imagery is derived from petroglyphs, which were used by ancient Indians to identify water holes and shelter and to chronicle significant historical events and ceremonies. This sculpture portrays a dancing Hopi deity in a snake ceremony, derived from a petroglyph found at Castle del Utah in Utah.
Doug Weigel lives and works in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He designs and produces two and three-dimensional steel sculptures and furniture. His work has been commissioned for the Central Avenue Project in Phoenix, the Petrified National Forest, the Scottsdale Airport, the Petroglyph National Monument, and the New Mexico State Records Center and Archives/State Library.
Location14980a N 78th Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85260, USA
ArtistDoug Wiegel
DatesCompleted 1989