Stage 1: Preliminary Public Art Plan/Schematic Design
This stage of the art plan should be undertaken concurrently with seeking approval by the city of Scottsdale’s Planning Department, which may involve a zoning entitlement process. The applicant develops the preliminary public art plan in consultation with Scottsdale Public Art staff to ensure that the intent of the plan is consistent with the requirements of the city’s zoning and public art ordinances. The preliminary plan must be submitted to Scottsdale Public Art staff, with a copy also submitted to the project coordinator in the city Planning Department prior to the city Development Review Board consideration of the project. Scottsdale Public Art staff shall provide a written recommendation regarding the preliminary public art plan for inclusion in the city staff report for the Development Review Board.
Please see the form “Cultural Improvements Program/AIPD Checklist for Submittals and Presentations to Scottsdale Public Art” for a checklist for Stage 1.