Stage 2: Final Art Plan/Design
The applicant must present the final comprehensive public art plan and design to the Scottsdale Public Art Board as noted below and provide copies to the city project coordinator. This presentation must occur after city Development Review Board approval of the project location and before the project applicant’s submission of final construction drawings.
Within 10 days following the meeting of the Scottsdale Public Art Board, the applicant shall be notified in writing of the board’s decision. Scottsdale Public Art staff shall also provide written notification to the city’s Planning Department of the project applicant’s compliance with the ordinance.
The applicant must also submit a final estimate of its public art commitment, as calculated according to Section 5.3083C, which shall be validated by the city’s One Stop Shop. The project applicant may opt to pay this amount to the Downtown Cultural Trust in lieu of installing original artwork on the site. Funds from the Downtown Cultural Trust are used for the accession/commission of artwork to be located in downtown public spaces.
Calculating the Public Art Commitment
The public art obligation is based upon a minimum 1% of building valuation, subject to certain restrictions. The calculation of building valuation shall not include square footage associated with public improvements. Cost per square foot shall be taken from the most recent publication of the International Conference of Building Officials. The derivation of the estimate and the date of the ICBO publication shall be noted on the submittal.
Please see the form “Cultural Improvements Program/AIPD Checklist for Submittals and Presentations to Scottsdale Public Art” for a checklist for Stage 2.